Our Gaza FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions
Why are you sending aid for animals to Gaza?
Since the outbreak of war, there have been no shipments of supplies for the animals. Dog, cat, donkey and horse food have all run out now and the situation is desperate. In addition, veterinary medications have also run out which means Safe Haven for Donkeys teams cannot treat simple things like parasites or more complex diseases and injuries. Safe Haven for Donkeys and its supporters are funding this aid shipment.
What aid are you sending to Gaza?
We sent a shipment of feed in April and another is due to arrive soon, dependent on another ceasefire. In addition, we sent a range of veterinary medicines to treat parasites, disease and injuries sustained as a result of the conflict. This latest shipment has not yet been delivered and is being held on the border by the authorities.
How can you justify using valuable space on aid wagons for animal supplies?
Everyone recognises the devastating human impact that the war is having. However, if the animals are not fed, they cannot help support their owners by providing transport, to help move food, water, building materials and essential medicines through the war-ravaged landscape.
The news on television has shown how important donkeys and horses are for moving people and their belongings around the region. Fuel has always been an expensive commodity and that is more so the case now. Working equids are often the only source of transport for basic needs such as water and food. To ensure the donkeys and horses are able to provide support to their owners, families and communities, the animals must be fed and kept healthy. So, whilst this aid is primarily for the benefit of animals, it will also help their owners and the wider population
Why has Safe Haven for Donkeys only just started operating a mobile clinic in Gaza
It has taken us two years to set up our mobile clinic in Gaza which started operating in March 2024. Identifying suitably qualified people to undertake the work and making arrangements for salaries and equipment costs to get into the country all took time to organise.
How can Safe Haven for Donkeys justify their work with animals in Gaza when so many people of suffering?
Every day we see news reports of the horrendous situation in Gaza and many include images of hard working donkeys and horses which have become a vital resource for their owners and the community. The availability of vehicles and fuel, which is unaffordable to most, means that donkeys and horses are now the main form of transport for water, food and belongings. They are also sadly used to carry the injured and dead to hospital. Safe Haven for Donkeys is the only charity operating a mobile clinic for working equids in Gaza and by helping the animals, it is helping communities to survive this conflict.
Isn’t Safe Haven for Donkeys supporting the warring factions in Gaza through its work?
Safe Haven for Donkeys has no political or religious ties. Its core mission is to provide veterinary care to working donkeys, mules and horses. The charity operates a very rigorous process to ensure that its funds are only used for the purpose of animal welfare and its accounts are fully audited each year to provide reassurance of this.
What type of work are your team doing in Gaza?
Our mobile team are providing first aid to animals who have been injured by the war, or through living in the awful conditions currently experienced in Gaza. This includes injuries from pulling heavy carts, wounds caused by shards from explosions, or from diseases. They are working six days a week, setting up first aid clinics, often by the roadside.
What if you have to stop working in Gaza due to the war?
Our team are relentlessly brave, providing first aid to animals in unimaginable conditions. However, if we need to we will ask them to cease work and to take the actions needed to ensure their own safety. If we need to pause our work in Gaza at any time, we will review and restart when it’s safe. If we need to pause long term, any money raised from this campaign will be used to fund equally vital work to help animals in the West Bank through our three vet teams there, or further afield to fund our vet team in Egypt.
What will donors be funding?
Safe Haven for Donkeys has a budget of £100,000 to support our work in Gaza. The money has been donated by supporters specifically for this purpose and will be used to pay for salaries, equipment and aid shipments of animal food and medications. Depending on the availability of funds, the charity hopes to extend its work to include more mobile clinics that will be able to cover more areas.
Thank you so much.
£20 could fund food and veterinary treatments for a donkey or horse in Gaza.
£100 could help support our new mobile team, providing much needed first aid to donkeys and horses in need.
If we are lucky enough to raise more money than we need to fund our work in Gaza this year, we will use the funds to support other working donkeys in the West Bank and in Egypt, as well as our Sanctuary in Israel and Rescue Centre in Arrana, the West Bank.