We’re delighted to bring you an update from our Sanctuary in Israel this week. Our Sanctuary is a peaceful haven for 180 rescue donkeys, many having suffered abuse or abandonment before we provided them with a forever home.
As you’ll see below our residents love their home and they receive the best possible care from our team. The impact you’re making in the lives of these donkeys is truly extraordinary, so please know how grateful we are for your support.
News from our Sanctuary in Israel
Our most recent arrivals, Oren and Sam, continue to find their feet in their new home. Here they are enjoying a tasty breakfast. We believe they’re both around 14 years old.
Many of our resident donkeys are firm friends, as you can see below.
The donkeys really appreciate the big open paddock at the Sanctuary.
But the donkeys are very inquisitive when the camera comes out!
Our team move amongst the herd to check their microchips and put their head collars on.
Lots of hard work goes into keeping the Sanctuary clean and dry – below you can see the sawdust being changed whilst the donkeys are in the paddock.
Widdy (below) would like to say thank you to all the donors who help to care for all the donkeys at our Sanctuary.
Thank you!
It’s only with your help we are able to improve the lives of working donkeys, mules and horses in Egypt, the West Bank, and Gaza, as well as care for all the animals at our sanctuary in Israel, and our rescue centre and hospital over in the West Bank.
We hope this update has helped to show you how your donations are helping donkeys in desperate need – thank you for your support!
Have you seen our new TV ad showcasing our work? You can view it on this page.