As the conflict continues in Israel and Gaza, our veterinary outreach work caring for working donkeys is still being restricted in the West Bank. But rest assured we are continuing to care for the 30 rescue donkeys who live at our Rescue Centre in Nablus.
In the meantime I have an update about our sanctuary renovations below – making our donkeys’ home warm and secure for winter!
News from the Sanctuary

You may remember that last year we ran an appeal to raise a significant sum of money to renovate our sanctuary in Israel – thank you once again to everyone who donated.
Although work commenced last autumn, the full scale renovation was put on hold, as we had an exciting offer to move the sanctuary to a better location. Earlier this year our programme director in Israel, Bader, began the negotiations to secure this site. These negotiations tend to take quite a while, so we’ve been waiting to update you.
As the current situation in Israel continues, our potential move is once again on hold, at least for now. As winter draws near again we have decided to go ahead with some of the more significant renovations to our current sanctuary site. Here you can see some of the updates.
We have also carried out drainage work to prevent the Sanctuary paddock flooding, as they have in recent years. The old fencing has been replaced and fixed, and we have made a new covered area in the pasture, so the donkeys will be able to go outside more during the winter months.
Our winter fodder supply is now kept in a new hay storage area to keep it dry
We have also prepared a separate zone for the hay shredder machine – where we chop hay for the older donkeys, whilst our shredder is a vital piece of equipment to chop hay for the older donkeys
If we have more news of a longer term move to a new site, we will of course update you. But in the meantime our donkeys will now have a secure and sheltered home for the winter months ahead – all thanks to you!