Safe Haven Vet Helps Stop Slaughter of Stray Dogs in the West Bank

At the beginning of November, Safe Haven’s vet in the Palestinian town of Hebron, Dr Eyed Nasser, was horrified to learn that the local mayor had issued a declaration saying that anyone who killed a stray dog would be given 20 shekels.  Dr Eyed arranged a meeting between himself, the mayor and a group of other veterinarians to discuss the issue, along with various animal welfare issues in the region.  During the conversation, Dr Eyed explained to the mayor that there were other, more humane methods of dealing with unwanted reproduction of stray dogs, such as neutering.  He and the other vets asked the mayor to reverse his decision and following the meeting, the mayor not only issued an official statement but also agreed that he and the council would co-operate with all the local veterinarians to find humane solutions for all the homeless animals in the region.

 Although Safe Haven’s mission is to help donkeys, mules and horses, all animal cruelty is abhorrent and we are so proud of Dr Eyed for stepping up to help dogs in need – thank you Dr Eyed!

Dr Eyed meeting the Mayor of Hebron
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