Update from the Sanctuary and the West Bank – 3rd August 2023

Our Nablus Rescue Centre donkeys were due their vaccines this week, so Dr Rakan was able to show his vet student how to administer them to the herd.

Dr Rakan prepared all the vaccines.

Before the veterinary student (who is currently on a placement with Dr Rakan) administered them. Here we can see Nicholle receiving his tetanus vaccination.

Over at the Sanctuary, Dr Eliran visited this week to carry out dental treatment on Jester, Yvonne and Anthony. We can see Yvonne with Dr Eliran and Moussa in the photo below. They have their teeth checked regularly to make sure they can eat comfortably.

Meanwhile, Hope and Nader have been slowly introduced into Group A, so the herd can accept the new foal. The video below shows them all enjoying a breakfast of chopped hay!

Hope and Nader are introduced into Group A so the herd can accept the young foal.

Once again we would like to say a big thank you to you, our supporters. It’s only with your help we are able to care for the donkeys at the Sanctuary in Israel, as well as commit to helping working donkeys in the West Bank and Egypt, helping so many donkeys in dire need of veterinary care. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

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